Whether we are in a position that we love or are managing a transition, in order to secure a new opportunity one thing that cannot be avoided –the interview. Think of the interview as a time to showcase your knowledge, skills and experience. In order to maximize your time with the hiring manager always go into the interview with a strategy to distinguish yourself. Make the hiring manager see you doing the job. Make yourself standout from the crowd with a few simple suggestions.
First, really paint a picture in your mind of why you want the position. Don’t go in with an “I’ll take anything” attitude. Rather, see yourself as the company’s newest sales professional and visualize your personality and contacts being a help to you in your first 90 days. See yourself working in a part of town you like or finally getting exposure to the latest software package. Before any and all interviews see yourself as a success on the job.
Next, prepare by doing some research on the company you wish to become a part of. A simple Google search is a great way to begin. If the company does not have a web presence, check with people in your network or find out about businesses in the same space as the company you are looking to join.
The third think to keep in mind during the interview is to answer all questions fully and completely-even the “yes” or “no” questions. Be specific and if appropriate use relevant technical terms. While answering interview questions never pretend that you know the answer to a question if you do not. Keep the interview conversational and interactive by asking questions during the interview as well as t the end of it.
Lastly, as the interview draws to a close, clarify your position as a candidate with the decision maker. Make a statement such as “I’ve really enjoyed our interview. I feel like this position really dovetails with my current experience. Is there anything that would keep you from recommending me for the position?” Then ask “when might I hear about the status of my candidacy?” Plan your follow up strategy according to what they have told you is their schedule.
By planning, articulating and clarifying, interviews can be much less scary. Try it.